Friday, July 17, 2020

Getting Started With Selenium Web-driver


  • The Selenium framework officially supports the following browsers:

2. Third party drivers and plug-ins

  • Selenium can be extended through the use of plugins. Here are a number of plugins created and maintained by third parties.

3. Locating Elements

  • There are eight different built-in element location strategies in WebDriver:

Locating an element

  • One of the most fundamental techniques to learn when using WebDriver is how to find elements on the page. WebDriver offers a number of built-in selector types, amongst them finding an element by its ID attribute:

For Example:

  1. WebElement cheese = driver.findElement("cheese"));

  2. driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("#cheese #cheddar"));

4. Performing actions on the AUT

Some basic actions that can be performed by Selenium Web-driver:   

 1) You can set an element’s text using the sendKeys method as follows:

     String name = "Charles";

2) Some web applications use JavaScript libraries to add drag-and-drop functionality.

     WebElement source = driver.findElement("source"));
     WebElement target = driver.findElement("target"));
     new Actions(driver).dragAndDrop(source, target).build().perform();

3) You can click on an element using the click method:




  • Official website of Selenium


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