Monday, May 20, 2019

What are Quality Assurance and Quality Control in Software Testing?

Quality Assurance in software involves activities related to the process of building a software.This approach used to prevent the defect in the process of developing software and application.

Quality Control in software is a product oriented approach towards building a software product. It requires the execution of the code or program in order to find the bugs in the software or an application.


  1. What is the association between quality assurance and quality control?

  2. Well let's take an example, you are cooking your favorite dish in kitchen. So the procedure/steps that you use is correct or in proper sequence or not. The ingredients that you take , the quantity you use comes under quality assurance where as quality control is mainly concerned with the actual taste of the dish that you've prepared and it shows the areas where you need to change or balance the ingredients in order to make it taste as good as it could be

  3. oh okay, so quality control is run after quality assurance ?

  4. Yes, till you do not have any product to test in order to improve the quality.


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